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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Splurge

What you all have been waiting for... (cue dramatic music) ...my recent splurge of my super favorite over the knee boots!

These are made by Material Girl, which, for those somehow out of the loop, is Madonna and her daughter Lourdes' line of clothing, accessories and shoes for Macy's. They were 69 bucks, which isn't outrageous for boots at all, but as you can see by the blog that I run, I'm pretty frugal. I loved them so much though that the price wasn't an issue for me.

So far I've only worn them with jeans, but I've got this super cute short sleeved, cream colored sweater dress that my mom gave me for Christmas that I think they'd look great with. I kind of like the juxtaposition of the soft sweater and the studs on the boots.

What I also love about these boots is the lower heel. They help save my feet and also assist me in not erring on the side of hoochie-mama, which I'm also still slightly afraid of doing.

But alas, I love them and here they are:

Over The Knee Boots: Material Girl at Macy's


  1. Ooooh, I love them!! I have some grey boots that are similar. Not quite as high on the leg, but the same shape. Great find! :)


  2. oh these look like they would be great for winter! :)

  3. hahhaa "hoochie mama" is a term you just dont' get to read often enough. :P

    very cool find - and seriously still a good deal. :)

  4. Dear Sam,

    I think your boots are gorgeous. I know it's your Sunday splurge but I think they were well worth it. They'd look lovely with a sweater dress. Very "I know I'm pretty and sweet looking, but watch yourself" ;)

    Ton of Hugs,

    All For Style
